
Systems & Components

With our extensive background in material handling, processing, and storage LBIS is prepared to be your “Go to” when it comes to your company’s material handling needs. We offer everything from complete turnkey systems, to replacement parts and filters for existing systems.

bulk material storage, loadout system, pneumatic conveying, dome reclaim system, automated loadout systems, negative pressure conveying, vacuum conveying
Bulk material storage dome with pneumatic vacuum reclaim system, automated truck loadout, and railcar loadout system.
Bulk material storage tank, pneumatic conveying system, vacuum pneumatic reclaim system, aerated floor, bulk material handling system contractor, bulk storage reclaim
10,000 Ton bolted storage tank with aerated floor bulk material reclaim system.
Bulk material storage, loadout system design, automated barge loading, positional loading spout, bulk powder handling, bulk material barge loading, bulk material rail loading
Fully Automated barge loadout system with pneumatic conveying to the loadout feed silo.
Bulk material storage tank, pneumatic conveying system, vacuum pneumatic reclaim system, bulk material handling system, bulk storage reclaim, rail unloader
A collector (filter separator) with pneumatic transfer vessel commissioned and operational.

